The day I started blogging.....

Dear friends,

Since the accident, and our stay in Singapore during his critical moments for almost 3 months, many friends have been egging me to start a blog about what happened to us.
Finally I have started a blog :)
A concept which is so far from my mind about 5 months ago.
But now, with the help of my dear friend KC Laksmono (who is also trying to revive her blog), I am starting to learn what blogging is all about.
I still have so many things to learn, so please bear with me :)

My life was "crushed" on the 19th August 2012, when my husband got traumatic brain injury (TBI) on a church mission trip to Central Kalimantan. The chronology of the accident I can not described in person for I was not there nor I think it is beneficial for us to re-enact the tragedy in our heads.
I determined to just accept the fact that my husband, Peodji Hariono, who is the executive pastor of International Christian Assembly (ICA), an English speaking church in Surabaya, is now recuperating in a fascinating speed ---quoting from the doctors.
I have nothing else but praise and gratitude towards our Lord Jesus Christ, who has stood by us throughout this process.

I will try to write a "timeline" kind of thing on this blog, from the accident till now.
The amazing way our God has been processing and loving us, to bring us from glory to glory.
I want to share our lives through this blog with those who are experiencing tragedy or shocking experiences in their lives. 

Not a hint of boasting is intended here, yet again I am learning everyday through different ways, how our choice of response will determine our survival. I know it sounds so cliche, but now that I am going through it, I totally agree with this cliche.

How the Lord uses tragedy in our lives, to cause pain, which most of us would like to escape if we have a choice.....turned out to be the key to intimacy with HIM.
I know this may sound so strange and weird, but those times when there is no more safety net i can pull, when i solely rely on HIM as my strength to continue breathing and be joyful, instead of giving up and faint and cry my eyes out......those moments are the most loved i ever felt in my walk with HIM. I never felt so taken care of, so loved and provided in many facets like those 3 months......those are the time where I know beyond my human brain that He is for me.

Hoping this blog will bring encouragement to all of you out there who are enduring hardships or caught "off guard" by some tragic events in your life. Let's put our trust in HIM who never leave us nor forsake us, regardless of our past and current circumstance. Let's learn to live by faith and not by sight!


  1. Dear Linda, Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with everyone. THey are surely inspired
    and will help many of us on our walk of life.
    Blessings to you,

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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